Installation and troubleshooting Tips for PPDM 19.11 in disconnected OpenShift 4.10 Environments

Disclaimer: use this at your own Risk

Warning, Contains JSON and YAML !!!

why that ?

I am happily running some disconnected OpenShift Clusters on VMware and AzureStack Hub. This Post is about how to Protect a Greenfield Deployment of OpenShift 4.10 with PPDM 19.11, running on vSphere.

OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 installs the vSphere CSI Driver Operator and the vSphere CSI driver by default in the openshift-cluster-csi-drivers namespace.
This setup is different from a user Deployed CSI driver or CSI Drivers as a Process like in TKGi.

In this Post, i will point out some Changes required to make OpenShift 4.10 fresh installs work with PPDM 19.11

1. what we need

In order to support Disconnected OpenShift Clusters, we need to prepare our environment to Host certain Images and Operators on a local Registry.

1.1 Mirroring the Operator Catalog for the OADP Provider

PPDM utilized the RedHat OADP (OpenShift APIs for Data Protection) Operator vor Backup and Restore. Therefore, we need to Replicate redhat-operators from the index image This is well documented on Using Operator Lifecycle Manager on restricted networks, specifically if you want to filter the Catalog to a specific list of Packages.

If you want to mirror the entire Catalog, you can utilize oc adm catalog mirror

Once the Replication is done, make sure apply the ImageContentSourcePolicy and the new CatalogSource itself.

1.2 Mirroring the DELL PowerProtect Datamanager and vSphere/Velero Components

The Following Images need to be Replicated to your local Registry:

Image Repository Tag
dellemc/powerprotect-k8s-controller 19.10.0-20
dellemc/powerprotect-cproxy 19.10.0-20
dellemc/powerprotect-velero-dd 19.10.0-20
velero/velero v1.7.1
vsphereveleroplugin/velero-plugin-for-vsphere v1.3.1
vsphereveleroplugin/backup-driver v1.3.1

2. Setup

2.1 Configure PPDM to point to the local Registry

On the PPDM Server, point the CNDM (Cloud Native Datamover )Service to the Registry that is hosting your PPDM and Velero Images by editing /usr/local/brs/lib/cndm/config/ Put the FQDN for k8s.docker.registry to reflect your local registry:

This will instruct cndm to point to your registry when creating configmaps for PPDM You need to restart the Service in order for changes to affect.

cndm restart

2.2 Configure a Storage Class with volumeBindingMode: Immediate

The vSphere CSI Operator Driver storage class uses vSphere’s storage policy. OpenShift Container Platform automatically creates a storage policy that targets datastore configured in cloud configuration. However, this uses volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer. In order to restore PVC´s to a new Namespace, we need a StorageClass with volumeBindingMode: Immediate Make sure the StoragePolicyName reflects ure existing Policy ( from Default Storage Class )

oc apply -f - <<EOF
kind: StorageClass
  name: thin-csi-immediate
  annotations: 'true'
  StoragePolicyName: openshift-storage-policy-ocs1-nv6xw # <lookup you policy>
reclaimPolicy: Delete
allowVolumeExpansion: true
volumeBindingMode: Immediate

2.3 Deploy the RBAC Templates from PPDM

RBAC Templates containing PPDM CRD´s, RoleBindings and ClusterRoleBindings,Roles and ConfigMaps and ServiceAccount Definitions can found on PPDM Server in /usr/local/brs/lib/cndm/misc/rbac.tar.gz.
Always use the Latest version that comes with your PPDM version !
Once you copied and extracted the Templates, apply the to your cluster:

oc apply -f ../ocs_vsphere/ppdm-rbac/rbac/ppdm-discovery.yaml
oc apply -f ../ocs_vsphere/ppdm-rbac/rbac/ppdm-controller-rbac.yaml

2.4 Retrieve the PPDM Discovery Service Account Token

Applying the above Templates has also created the Powerprotect namespace and Discovery Token. Retrieve the token with

export PPDM_K8S_TOKEN=$(oc get secret \
"$(oc -n powerprotect get secret \
 | grep ppdm-discovery-serviceaccount-token \
 | head -n1 | awk '{print $1}')" \
-n powerprotect --template={{.data.token}} | base64 -d      

2.5 Add the OpenShift Cluster to PPDM

If you not have already enabled the Kubernetes Asset Source in PPDM, do so now. To do so, go to Infrastructure > AssetSources > + In the New Asset Source Tab, Click on Enable Source for the Kubernetes Asset Source

Enable the OCS Cluster

Select the Kubernetes tab and click Add. Provide your Cluster information and click on Add credentials. Provide a Name for the Discovery Service Account and Provide the Token extracted in the Previous Step

Adding Credetials

Click on Verify to Validate the Certificate of the OpenShift Cluster hint: if you use unknown root ca, follow the user guide to add the ca to ppdm using the ppdmtool

Adding the OCS Cluster

The the powerprotect controller and Configmap should now being deployed to powerprotect namespace

To view the configmap, execute

oc get configmap  ppdm-controller-config -n powerprotect -o=yaml

to view the logs, execute:

oc logs "$(oc -n powerprotect get pods \
| grep powerprotect-controller \
| awk '{print $1}')" -n powerprotect -f

if the controller is waiting for velero-ppdm ip,

Waiting for velero-ppdm

then probably your oadp-operator subscription is pointing to the wrong operator catalog source. View your subscription with

oc describe subscription redhat-oadp-operator -n velero-ppdm
    Last Transition Time:  2022-04-22T08:54:35Z
    Message:               targeted catalogsource openshift-marketplace/community-operators missing
    Reason:                UnhealthyCatalogSourceFound
    Status:                True
    Type:                  CatalogSourcesUnhealthy
    Message:               constraints not satisfiable: no operators found from catalog community-operators in namespace openshift-marketplace referenced by subscription oadp-operator, subscription oadp-operator exists
    Reason:                ConstraintsNotSatisfiable
    Status:                True
    Type:                  ResolutionFailed
  Last Updated:            2022-04-22T08:54:35Z
Events:                    <none>

In this case, we need to patch the Subscription to reflect the Catalog Name we created for our custom Operator Catalog ( in this example, redhat-operator-index):

oc patch subscription redhat-oadp-operator -n velero-ppdm --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"source": "redhat-operator-index"}}'

This should deploy the RedHat OADP Operator in the velero-ppdm namespace. You can view the Operator Status from your OpenShift Console

Waiting for OADP Install

Now it is time to watch the Pods Created in the velero-ppdm Namespace:

oc get pods -n velero-ppdm
Waiting for Pods

The Backup driver fails to deploy, so we need to have a look at the logs:

oc logs "$(oc -n velero-ppdm get pods | grep backup-driver | awk '{print $1}')" -n velero-ppdm -f    
Backup Driver Logs

Obviously, the OpenShift Cluster Operator deployed CSI drivers, but no configuration was made for the velero-vsphere-plugin to point to a default secrets for velero backup-driver (different from standard CSI Installation ) So we need to create a secret from a vSphere config File hosting the clusterID and the vSphere Credentials, and apply a configmap to ppdm to use the secret.

Use the following example to create a config file with your vCenter csi account:

cat > csi-vsphere.conf <<EOF
cluster-id = "$(oc get clusterversion -o jsonpath='{.items[].spec.clusterID}{"\n"}')"
[VirtualCenter ""]
insecure-flag = "true"
user = <your vsphere csi user>
password = <your csi acccount secret>
port = 443
datacenters = "<your dc>"

Create a Secret bfrom that file using:

oc -n velero-ppdm create secret generic velero-vsphere-config-secret --from-file=csi-vsphere.conf  

Apply the configmap for the velero vSphere Plugin

oc -n velero-ppdm apply -f - <<EOF
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: velero-vsphere-plugin-config
  namespace: velero-ppdm
  cluster_flavor: VANILLA
  vsphere_secret_name: velero-vsphere-config-secret
  vsphere_secret_namespace: velero-ppdm

And delete the existing backup-driver pod

oc delete pod "$(oc -n velero-ppdm get pods | grep backup-driver | awk '{print $1}')" -n velero-ppdm

We can see the results with:

oc logs "$(oc -n velero-ppdm get pods | grep backup-driver | awk '{print $1}')" -n velero-ppdm
Backup Driver Logs

3. Run a backup !

Follow the Admin Guide to create a Protection Policy for your Discovered OpenShift Assets and select a Namespace with a PVC. Run the Policy and examine the Status Details.

Error in Step Log
CSI error for FCD PVC

Unfortunately, PPDM tries to trigger a CSI based Backup instead of a FCD based PVC Snapshot. This is because upon initial discovery, PPDM did not correctly identify a “VANILLA_VSPHERE” Cluster, as the cluster-csi-operator uses a different install location for the csi drivers. This only Occurs on 4.10 Fresh installs, not on updates from 4.9 to 4.10 !

What we need to do now, is patching the Inventory Source of Our OpenShift Cluster in PPDM using the REST API.

4. Patching a PPDM Inventory Source for fresh deployed 4.10 Clusters

4.1 Get and use the bearer token for subsequent requests

PPDM_SERVER=<your ppdm fqdn>
PPDM_USERNAME=<your ppdm username>
PPDM_PASSWORD=<your ppdm password>
TOKEN=$(curl -k --request POST \
  --url "https://${PPDM_SERVER}:8443/api/v2/login" \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{"username":"'${PPDM_USERNAME}'","password":"'${PPDM_PASSWORD}'"}' | jq -r .access_token)

4.2 Get the inventory id´s for vCenter and the OpenShift cluster

K8S_INVENTORY_ID=$(curl -k --request GET "https://${PPDM_SERVER}:8443/api/v2/inventory-sources" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
| jq '[.content[] | select(.address=="")]| .[].id' -r)

VCENTER_ID=$(curl -k --request GET "https://${PPDM_SERVER}:8443/api/v2/inventory-sources" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
| jq '[.content[] | select(.address=="")]| .[].id' -r)

4.3 query the distribution type field of the kubernetes inventory source by using above K8S_INVENTORY_ID

curl -k --request GET "https://${PPDM_SERVER}:8443/api/v2/inventory-sources/$K8S_INVENTORY_ID" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" | jq .details.k8s.distributionType

If the Distribution type shows NON_VSPHERE, we need to patch it

Error in Step Log
Wrong Distribution Type

4.4 Read the inventory into variable:

INVENTORY_SOURCE=$(curl -k --request GET "https://${PPDM_SERVER}:8443/api/v2/inventory-sources/$K8S_INVENTORY_ID" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}")

4.5 Patch the variable content using jq:

| jq --arg distributionType "VANILLA_ON_VSPHERE" '.details.k8s.distributionType |= $distributionType')
| jq --arg vCenterId "$VCENTER_ID" '.details.k8s.vCenterId |= $vCenterId')

4.6 validate the variable using jq:

echo $INVENTORY_SOURCE| jq .details.k8s
Error in Step Log
Correct Distribution Type

4.7 And Patch that PPDM !!!

curl -k -X PUT "https://${PPDM_SERVER}:8443/api/v2/inventory-sources/$K8S_INVENTORY_ID" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \

5. Run the Protection Policy Again

In the Job List in PPDM, select the failed job and click on restart

Error in Step Log
Restart Job

The Job should now run Successful, and take PVC Snapshots (using First Class Disks) instead of CSI Snapshots

Successful Job
Successful Job