Deploying PowerProtect Datamanager (PPDM) to vSphere using govc and Powershell
when it comes to deploy Powerprotect Datamanger, we have a variety of options, for example
OVA deployment from vCenter UI
bash / Concourse
just to name few.
In this Post I focus on a Powershell Deployment leveraging mware govc and my PPDM Powershell Module.
Other Method´s will follow here over the next Couple of Days . . .
Before we start the deployment, we need to check that we have
govc >= 0.23 insalled from Github Releases installed in a path as govc
my Powershell modules ( minimum : ) for PPDM installed from PPDM Powershellusing
Step 1: Connecting to vSphere using govc
From a Powershell, we first need to connect to our vSphere Virtual Center By using the following code,
we can securely create a connection:
Step 2: deploying Powerprotect Datamanager ova using govc from Powershell
download the latest Powerprotect DataManager from DELLEMC Support ( login required )
first of all, we set our govc environment to have the Following Variables
( complete code snippet of step 2 below )
We then can connect to our vSphere Environment:
then we need to import the Virtual Appliance Specification from the ova using govc import.spec
the command would look like
Once we have the Configuration Data, we will change the vami keys in the “Property Mappings” to our desired Values
Now we need to import the OVA using govc import.ova with the settings we just created:
And change to the Correct “VM Network” for ethernet-0
Now, we can Power on the vm using govc vm.power …
… and wait for the Powerprotect Datamanager Services to be up and running.
In an Automated Scenario, one could query the URL http://fqdn.of.ppdm:443/#/fresh until receiving a 200 ok message from the Webserver ( see below script listing)
Step 3: Configure PPDM using PPDM-pwsh
if not already node, load the Modules by
The first step is to connect to the PPDM API.
You will be asked for for the username ad admin and Password of admin
We will retrieve a Bearer Token from the API, that will be used automatically for Subsequent requests in the Current Powershell Session.
PPDM-pwsh also will figure out your Powershell Version and therefore use different Methods to use non trusted certificates. ( -trustCert)
Once connected, we need to Accept the EULA for PPDM by using
The next step is to configure PPDM. For that, we need to specify Timezone, NTP Server and the new Password(s)
to get a list of timezones, run
In our example, we use Europe/Berlin.
Configuring the PPDM does only require 3 Parameters:
Initial Password(s)
a List of NTP Sever(s)
We can use a Single Powershell Command to start the COnfiguration Process:
It will take up to 10 Minutes for PPDM to finish.
We can Monitor the Success Status with
In an Automation, we would wait for percentageCompleted -eq 100
You can now visit the PPDM Homepage from your Webbrowser to configure DataDomain, add a vCenter, add Kubernetes Clusters and more.
In my next Post we will do so as well from Powershell … stay tuned